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[vc_empty_space][rt_heading style=”style-7″ size=”h3″ font_color_type=”” font=”body-font” custom_font_size=”responsive” link=”” link_open=”_self” max_font_size=”40″ min_font_size=”30″ line_height=”135%”]Experienced digital media experts [rt_highlight style=”style-1″]make sure your company news is seen by the right people [/rt_highlight] for maximum growth[/rt_heading][vc_separator style=”style-6″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”40″]
After 20 years in the media and PR business, we know what makes news.
Plus we are pitching media every day around the globe so make sure you are part of our pitch.
[rt_heading style=”style-7″ size=”h3″ font_color_type=”” font=”body-font” custom_font_size=”responsive” link=”” link_open=”_self” max_font_size=”40″ min_font_size=”30″ line_height=”135%”]Our [rt_highlight style=”style-1″]core PR and media [/rt_highlight] services[/rt_heading]
[rt_retina_image img=”7745″ img_width=”100″ img_height=”100″ crop=”false” img_align=”center” link=”” link_text=”LEARN MORE” rt_separator=””][rt_heading style=”style-7″ size=”h4″ font_color_type=”” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self” margin_top=”25px” margin_bottom=”0″ href_title=”LEARN MORE”]Opinion-leading and Industry Media[/rt_heading][vc_separator style=”style-6″ border_width=”2″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”30″ color=”#e65057″ width=”10%”]

Identifying, maximizing, and managing your company’s news value is central to everything we do.

Our media services are sought out by leading companies wanting maximum media profile returns for business development, rapid growth, fund-raising, and reputation management.

Our work covers news distribution strategies including translations, interviews with opinion-leading media, and news article placements. We manage your business social media, press releases, competitor media tracking, and day-to-day and strategic support and recommendations at the CEO/executive level.  We also cover crisis management and communications.

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[rt_retina_image img=”7743″ img_width=”100″ img_height=”100″ crop=”false” img_align=”center” link=”” rt_separator=””][rt_heading style=”style-7″ size=”h4″ font_color_type=”” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self” margin_top=”25px” margin_bottom=”0″ href_title=”LEARN MORE”]M&A, IPOs, Capital-Raising, Sales[/rt_heading][vc_separator style=”style-6″ border_width=”2″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”30″ color=”#e65057″ width=”10%”]

For the past 2 decades, we have leveraged the power of news media and online communications to deliver successful IPOs, significant investment rounds, as well as sales/acquisitions for biotech firms across APAC and the U.S.

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[rt_retina_image img=”7744″ img_width=”100″ img_height=”100″ crop=”false” img_align=”center” link=”” rt_separator=””][rt_heading style=”style-7″ size=”h4″ font_color_type=”” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self” margin_top=”25px” margin_bottom=”0″]Online Communications[/rt_heading][vc_separator style=”style-6″ border_width=”2″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”30″ color=”#e65057″ width=”10%”]

Websites and business social media are powerful marketing tools.

We work with your developers to help you create the most on-message and engaging web presence that delivers client and stakeholder engagement, and detailed metrics/measurements.

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[rt_heading style=”” align=”” mobile_align=”” size=”h4″ font_color_type=”” font=”” custom_font_size=”custom” link=”” link_open=”_self” margin_bottom=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″ font_size=”23″]Book a briefing call today[/rt_heading]
[rt_heading style=”style-6″ size=”h4″ font_color_type=”” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self” icon_name=”icon-glyph-15″]Our expertise[/rt_heading][rt_accordion][rt_accordion_content title=”News media”]What is a news story, how to present the story to media and which media like what types of news stories.[/rt_accordion_content][rt_accordion_content title=”Media contacts”]After 20 years in the business, we know the most influential trade and business media and even consumer media so they take our calls and reply to our email pitches – almost every time![/rt_accordion_content][rt_accordion_content title=”Integrated media”]We know how to extend the life and leverage of your news media wins via social media and your online presence including enewsletters, email signatures, and even using them in investor pitches and new business and customer retention campaigns.[/rt_accordion_content][rt_accordion_content title=”Investor relations/capital raisings”]Investors like to see news coverage, in fact, it is a key element for a successful IPO and share price management[/rt_accordion_content][rt_accordion_content title=”Search Marketing”]News media coverage delivers exceptional search results, keeping a company top of search pages in engines like Google. News articles can stay online for years delivering powerful reputational and awareness among target audiences.[/rt_accordion_content][/rt_accordion]
[rt_heading style=”” align=”” mobile_align=”” size=”h3″ font_color_type=”” font=”body-font” custom_font_size=”responsive” link=”” link_open=”_self” max_font_size=”40″ min_font_size=”30″ line_height=”135%”]Our [rt_highlight style=”style-1″]Work[/rt_highlight] Process[/rt_heading][vc_separator style=”style-2″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”40″ border_width=”2px” width=”60px”][rt_chained_contents style=”4″ start_from=”1″ align=”left” font=”heading-font” thick_border=”true” font_size=”15″][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-rocket” title=”The Mission”]Tell us what you need and when – and what are the KPIs for success.[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-code” title=”Landscape review”]We look at what you have done and said in the past. What your competitors are doing. What your trade or business media are reporting on.[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-new-share-1″ title=”Recommendation”]We prepare a recommendation strategy for executive or Board approval.[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-home” title=”Action”]We can start within 24 hours but do require at least 3 days to prepare media target lists, pitches, image banks and supporting data – all of which need to be approved client side.[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-home” title=”Reporting”]Weekly reports are updated and often daily emails and calls are part of the processes.[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-home” title=”Data Board”]You can see any time – real time – how the campaign is running via your own DMG online Data Board.[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-home” title=”Ongoing”]Most clients want to stay working with DMG so we set up an ongoing program to support and leverage the project work and keep media engaged and reporting on your company.[/rt_chained_content][/rt_chained_contents][vc_empty_space height=”52px”]Button Text
[rt_counter number=”20″]Years of Experience[/rt_counter]
[rt_counter number=”12″]Professional Staff[/rt_counter]
[rt_counter number=”148″]Funds raised $m[/rt_counter]
[rt_counter number=”2400″]Media Wins[/rt_counter]