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[rt_heading style=”” align=”” mobile_align=”” size=”h1″ font_color_type=”” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self”]DMG is a [rt_highlight style=”style-1″]full-service agency[/rt_highlight] specialising in news media[/rt_heading][rt_chained_contents style=”1″ align=”left” font=”” thick_border=””][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-ok” title=”Trust”]Our clients are profiled in the news media trusted by their investors, customers and partners.[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-ok” title=”End to End Media Management”]Our role is to manage all media engagement, from story concept to final publication including co-ordinating well-briefed spokespeople and following up on all media requests to support the news feature.[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-ok” title=”Creative”]Our creative media approach means reporters respond well to our pitches and our professional management means reporters get the story elements they need inside their deadlines.[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-ok” title=”Media Contact Us”]Opinion-leading reporters regularly contact us for news and we always deliver.[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-ok” title=”Extending reach and influence of news features”]DMG manages or recommends ways to leverage news media coverage to extend reach and influence including social media enhancement, EDMS, investor presentations and website content – all in a measurable format.[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-ok” title=”Data informs all our work”]Being measurable is key to success, which is why we offer an online MediaDataBoard so you as a client can see real-time the impact of our news media work.

The MediaDataBoard pulls information from all sources connected to the news feature including website, social, EDMs, and landing pages to accurately gauge the response to a news article.

This shows the value we deliver as well as informs us about how to shape the next company news feature.


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