[rt_heading style=”” align=”” mobile_align=”” size=”h1″ font_color_type=”” font=”” custom_font_size=”” link=”” link_open=”_self”]DMG is an [rt_highlight style=”style-1″]experienced and proven Investor Relations[/rt_highlight] team[/rt_heading][rt_chained_contents style=”1″ align=”left” font=”” thick_border=””][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-ok” title=”Work as a Team”]DMG IR team works closely with the Broker, Auditor, Research and Legal to develop and deliver a powerful funding round or listing.[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-ok” title=”Media Profile Delivers Investment”]Central to our successful investment and listing programs is the creation of a strong media profile program.[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-ok” title=”Trust”]We deliver compelling news to investors, via the news media they trust, to support successful investor and stakeholder awareness and engagement in Australia, Asia, and the USA.
[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-ok” title=”All Media Channels”]Our work covers online and social media as well as traditional media including the financial and trade press.
[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-ok” title=”Investor website”]The development of an investor website is central to rapid and accurate investor information sharing. All traffic from media profiles and communications are designed so they lead to the investor website. If a client has an established website we can add, build-out and manage the IR component.
[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-ok” title=”Investor brochures and presentations”]Part of our role is to develop investor fact sheets and presentations for investor roadshows, in collaboration with brokers.
[/rt_chained_content][rt_chained_content icon_name=”icon-ok” title=”News Longevity”]News editorial features deliver instant awareness, credibility, and validation among the target investor audience. This news will stay on Google and other search engines as top results when investors search for your company.
These news reports are also ideal for sending to potential investors and sharing on your website and social media.[/rt_chained_content][/rt_chained_contents][vc_empty_space][vc_btn title=”Take the News Check – for a fresh news perspective” shape=”square” color=”danger” size=”lg” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dmgpr.com%2Fnews-check%2F|||”][vc_btn title=”Learn about PRCover” shape=”square” color=”danger” size=”lg” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dmgpr.com%2Fprcover%2F|||”]